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Chronic absenteeism is a school quality measure that captures the total percentage of students

who are absent for 10% or more of their enrolled days. Chronic absenteeism is a contributor

to a school’s star rating (10%).


The definition of chronic absenteeism that schools must use in reporting absenteeism

is as follows:
A student is absent if he or she is not physically on school grounds and is not participating in instruction or instruction-related activities at an approved off-grounds location for the school day. Chronically absent students include students who are absent for any reason (e.g., illness, suspension, the need to care for a family member), regardless of whether absences are excused or unexcused. Students who are absent 10% or more of their enrolled school days are considered chronically absent. For example, a student enrolled all year will be enrolled 180 days, and will be considered chronically absent if the student misses 18 or more days of school.


Information About Chronic Absenteeism

Chronically absent students include students who are absent for any reason (e.g., illness, suspension, the need to care for a family member), regardless of whether absences are excused or unexcused. Students who are absent 10% or more of their enrolled school days are considered chronically absent.

Attendance & Chronic Absenteeism

Contact Information​

Newton Elementary School

571 Greenway Rd,

Henderson, NV 89015

(702) 799-0500


Principal: Ms. Meaghan McGowan

©2017 by Ulis Newton Elementary School

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